Since I've been exploring needle-felting lately, I thought it might be nice to share some suggestions for books to help others get started or to explore their own felted work further.
Let's begin with a comprehensive guide...
The Complete Photo Guide to Felting |
The Complete Photo Guide to Felting by Ruth Lane is a excellent place to start. It's also a great reference book to add to an experienced felter's collection. This book is broken into five main sections; All About Wool and Other Fibers, Preparing to Felt, Traditional Wet Felting, Nuno or Laminate Felting, Needle Felting. It's also fully illustrated with both step-by-step instructions and a gallery of work by skilled felt artists. You can get a peek inside the book by checking it out on Amazon.
Now, if you'd like to try 3D felting the next two books are worth a peek.
Woolbuddies |
Woolbuddies by Jackie Huang is great if you are getting started with 3D characters. This book contains 20 projects with step-by-step photos. It has three categories of whimsical characters; Simple Woolbuddies, Moderate Woolbuddies and Challenging Woolbuddies. You'll learn how to make everything from an owl to an elephant to an octopus!
Little Needle-Felt Animals |
If you've checked out Woolbuddies and want to expand on your cast of cute characters, then Little Needle-Felt Animals by Gretel Parker is the book to go to. Inside, you'll find 30 fully-illustrated projects ranging from a moon-gazing hare to a series of fish to a frog princess complete with lily-pad. The shapes of the animals in this book are a bit more complex than in Woolbuddies and will help you build upon your skills.
Art in Felt & Stitch |
Now if 3D felting isn't your thing or you'd like to try 2D felting then Art in Felt & Stitch by Moy Mackay is the book you're looking for. 2D felting is a lot like painting with wool. In this book, Moy Mackay provides both inspiration and technical information with this beautifully photographed book. Some of the many topics covered include materials & equipment, color, texture, composition and techniques. This is one of my favorite felting books for 2D felting and I highly recommend it if you are looking to explore this style further.
AJE Contributor, Jenny Davies-Reazor is also a fan of this book and had this to say about it:
"This book I purchased a year or so ago - I believe Lesley introduced me to this Scottish artist? Stunning. Mind blowing. Gorgeous work - tapestry style... and by that I mean "paintings" in fiber. This book is a treat for the eyes, and very inspirational. While my fiber paintings are no where near Moy's in any fashion - this is how I like to use felt - as painting. And then of course I want to bead it too!"
Felt to Stitch |
Jenny had another book recommendation to make with Felt to Stitch by Sheila Smith. Per Jenny:
"This was the first felting book I ever purchased and It has held me in good stead. I wanted to learn to wet felt - both "canvas/paintings" and shaped pieces. The diagrams and directions are clear and informative. In fact - that section of the book is waterlogged from having open while felting! The book goes into Shibori and nuno and other more complex forms I haven't experimented with... yet. But see? One book and every time I dive in there is so much more to learn."
In addition to the many books on the market, you can find some fantastic felting videos online. Here's a few places I recommend:
If you use or have used any of these books or sites I'd love to hear your feedback on them in the comments section below.
Happy Felting!
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