Thursday, April 28, 2016

May Component of the Month Giveaway and Challenge - Baby Cabochons!

It's my turn to do the Component of the Month, and I have selected Baby Cabochons!  Since everyone here at AJE is mad for seed beads, I thought these would be a good challenge! 

Of course, you don't have to use seed beads - you can bezel set these as well.  I'm sure you can also come up with even more uses for them!  These cabochons measure between 9 and 12mm.  They vary in height as well.  Do you want to play?  Here are the rules: 
  • I will give away 2 sets of 3 baby cabochons (you will receive a random set) to 2 winners selected randomly from those who leave a comment below this post. Your comment MUST include your EMAIL AND BLOG address so we can contact you should you win.
  • Please — only leave a comment if you can commit to creating a finished piece and blogging about it on the reveal date.
  • The names of the 2 winners will be announced on Monday, May1, 2016.
  • This giveaway is open to US and international countries, but please be aware that these will be posted from the US and international addresses will have longer postage times… sometimes up to 3 weeks.
  • The blog reveal will take place on Tuesday May 31, 2016.
I will also have random sets of these baby cabs available in my SueBeads Etsy store for purchase if you don't get chosen but want to play along as well.

I look forward to the reveal!

Susan Kennedy


  1. How sweet! Would love to win them :)

  2. Good morning Sue! Yes, these will be a challenge. I am most definitely not into seed beads - I don't have the patience for the little things. However I would love to create something from the baby cabs.
    Leona lynxofsilver AT My website and blog are in transition to indiemade but can be found at Oh what fun.

  3. These are very sweet! Love the stars :)

  4. Oh wow...Super fun!;

    Thank you for the opportunity!!

  5. I immediately got an idea! I'd love a chance.

  6. PS, my email and blog address should be connected to my name if you click it. Thanks!

    1. Unfortunately Blogger has changed the format so that it is a major chore to find emails/blog addresses. Sometimes we can never find them. That is why we now ask everyone who wants to participate to please put them in the comment so we don't have to go on an easter egg hunt. When I click your name, it takes me to your google+ news feed. In order to find your info, I had to click on about, then scroll way down the page. This is one of the many reasons we are going to be switching from Blogger to Wordpress soon.

  7. These are delightful! I would love a chance to play along! Thank you!

  8. So bright and colorful. I would love to work with one...or 2.

  9. Ohhh how awesome and definitely a challenge, I'd love to have this opportunity.

  10. Thanks for the chance. Would love to win your beads.


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