
Monday, September 19, 2016

Exploring Needle-Felting

I've been a bit stressed out and needed something to do other than beading.  I figured giving needle-felting another go was a great idea because of all the stabbing I'd get to do, lol! I decided to finally open the Zombie Fuzz Butt kit I purchased from Purple Moose Felting!
The Kit
This kit is fantastic as it comes with everything you need to make your own mini horde (3) of needle-felted zombies!
Inside the Kit
Lots of wool roving, tips and there's also full color instructions.  Please note, the needle holders were an extra purchase.  You'll receive one needle with your kit.  I do recommend buying the holders too as they make the process more comfortable for your hand.

Forming the Zombie Body
The first hour of this project was spent just making the base of the body.  Lots and lots of stabbing (I was starting to relax) and turning the project over and more stabbing.  I watched Criminal Minds during this stage...seemed appropriate.

It's really quite neat watching this wad of fluff turn into a firm shape just by stabbing at it with a special needle. 

Once the body is complete you attach the head.  The real fun starts once his head is firmly in place.  The instructions show you step-by-step how to give him bulging eyes!  They also provide you with step-by-steps for facial features and lots of suggestions for little tweaks to make him uniquely yours.

The Details
I found his mouth to be the most difficult part since I chose to go with teeth.  I need a lot more practice before I'm any good at small details like that.  

Ready To Eat Your Brains
I do love him though...even if he keeps trying to eat my brains.

After I finished my new zombie friend, I wanted to give 2D felting a try.

Buzz Buzz
I purchased a couple of tile kits from FiberThyme's Etsy shop.  These are reasonably priced kits that include general instructions (no step-by-step photos), wool roving and the felt with the sketch already drawn on it. 

Building My Hive
I really enjoyed this process...more than the 3D felting!  Since the sketch was already on the felt, it was kind of like color-by-number felting.  Again though, I had some trouble with the fine details but I guess that just improves with practice.

Got Honey?
I didn't add the second bee since I was happy with the tile with just one..and truth be told, I didn't want to end up adding another massive bee to the piece.

I'm officially hooked on needle-felting!  I still have more kits to play with and I spent Saturday at a fiber festival in the Finger Lakes (check back Thursday for a post)!  I'm also going to join the local weaver's guild in Rochester and have signed up to take a scarf felting class this winter.  

If you haven't tried needle-felting, you should give it a whirl!  

Happy Beading...errrr felting!


  1. You always find fun activities no matter where you go. I have long been interested in weaving but just can't justify another expensive hobby.

  2. Love the zombie! I've never seen a colour by felting kit, very interesting. I assume the scarf will be wet felted or nuno felted?

  3. Nuno felted! Looking forward to trying that!


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