
Thursday, July 28, 2016

August Design Challenge - Art Headpins!

New headpin design by Jen Cameron

We interrupt our regularly scheduled component of the month challenge schedule to try something new for the month of August....a headpin challenge. But not just any kind of run of the mill headpin. We're talking fancy schmancy art headpins. Have you ever wanted to try your hand at making art headpins? Or maybe you have several in your stash that you haven't used because you're saving them for a special occasion? Well, dust those puppies off because that special occasion is now.

Headpins by Sue Kennedy. Click photo to see the Etsy listing

What is an art headpin?'s a headpin that is handcrafted by an artisan, has been manipulated in a manner that is more than just a ball end, and has the potential to be the centerpiece of a creation rather than just playing a supporting roll.

Headpins by Jen Cameron. Click link to see the listing on her website

What is the challenge?

To create your own art headpin component and/or to use one or more art headpins in a finished piece of jewelry or other creation. Headpins used can be purchased from any artisan.

Headpins by Sue Kennedy. Click the link to see the Etsy listing

Who can participate in this challenge? 

Component designers and jewelry designers, mixed media artists or anyone else who can dream up an art headpin design or a creation using an art headpin.

Headpins by Lesley Watt from several years ago. 

How do I sign up?

1. make sure you have a blog.
2. Email jennifer.glassaddictions @ gmail . com (remove spaces) by August 27th.

When is the reveal and blog hop?

August 30, 2016

This should be a really fun challenge, you should definitely join in!


  1. This looks fun, I have ideas buzzing around now I have only just signed up for a blog and haven't done any posts yet so I can't really enter but you really have inspired me with these beautiful photos - thanks

  2. Sounds like fun, I am up to the challenge!

  3. I love headpins so much! I am definitely in!


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