
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Different Directions and Changing Focus

Mixed media art by Lesley Watt - wet/needle felting, bead embellishment, ceramics and polymer clay

Before writing this post, I happened to notice we have written more than 1200 blog posts over the course of nearly four years. I have to commend my team, both past and present members who have written some pretty incredible posts in that time. As with anything else, it is time for Art Jewelry Elements to grow and change because the people behind Art Jewelry Elements are growing and changing.

Mixed media doll by Caroline Dewison

For quite a while we have felt limited by the need to keep content strictly related to handcrafted jewelry and components. Many of us are branching out into different spheres - some are closely related to how we work in components and jewelry, others are completely different.

Collaged mixed media ceramic sculpture in progress by Jenny Davies-Reazor

However, there's no chance we will be alienating you - our loyal readers. Handcrafted jewelry components will still be a big focus going forward, but we'll add a liberal sprinkling of our work in other more diverse mediums or on a larger scale. Hopefully this shift in focus will keep things more interesting for everyone.

Piece by Niky representing the characters of her children

We will still continue our monthly challenges as long as it is relevant because we love to participate in our own challenges and hope our readers do too. (Don't forget about our current March themed design challenge open to ALL component makers and jewelry designers!)

Ceramic sheep by Lesley Watt

We are also feeling limited by the Blogger format and will be moving to a Word Press format in the next couple months. Don't worry though. There will be ample warning and a kick-off event when we make the big move.

Needle felted pieces by Kristen Stevens

And another big bombshell - especially because we go by the acronym of AJE and have been known as Art Jewelry Elements for four years. We will be changing the name to Art Elements. We needed the name to grow with our expanded focus.

Ceramic sculpture by Caroline Dewison

Because we all work for free, the move will take a bit of work. However, the writers are chomping at the bit to start expanding their writing to include all these additional artistic pursuits that have evolved, so maybe you have already started to notice a more diverse focus on this blog. Maybe not. But we wanted to let you know what is going on and what is coming up.

As with all change, it may be bumpy at first, but we will get through it and continue to deliver interesting quality content you enjoy reading.

Bead Embroidered wall hanging by Jenny Davies-Reazor


  1. This is fantastic news! I'm not just a jewellery maker, i'm a multi crafter and love blogs with lots of different crafts on them. I'm really excited about your new posts. I think it will be interesting for jewellery only makers too aspiration can come from any source

  2. Awesome! Loving what I've seen here x

  3. I love seeing your non-jewelry work as well. Thanks for continuing to share!

  4. This will be a wonderful change. The contributors here are so talented and I look forward to seeing more of their many and varied creations.

  5. Art is always inspiring, whatever format the artist chooses to use.

  6. I think that most jewelry artists have lots of varied interests. That is part of what drew me to create jewelry. It is a compilation of so many other crafts I have learned. I welcome this change.


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