
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Compulsive organization and preparing for a show...

Organizing is my super power.

Some may say I am a bit compulsive about getting things organized, keeping things organized.... but its just me. Virgo, former teacher me. As many of you know I do maybe a dozen shows a year. Indoors, outdoors, hot and cold, dry and wet... There are a few fantasy/faerie themed shows I do, and love... one of them was last weekend in Baltimore, MD: FaerieCon. In prepping for this show I do get a little compulsive in my planning and organizing...

My FaerieCon display from 2014. Post is here! 
Crowded, isn't it? For the three day show I have a space that measures 6' x 3', and it is a very, very expensive square footage. How to make the most of that and showcase tiles AND jewelry? How to make a visually appealing display that doesn't overwhelm the viewer? I plan it out. Every square inch. I review pictures of last years display ( seen at beginning of post) and do a mock set up in the basement.
2015 FC mock up in the basement. 
There are some years ( especially for Beadfest) that I will use the printed photo like a map. Number the spaces, create a map key... Other times I just refer to the photo and do a layout sketch on my journal/ Could I just skip the pix and sketch in my journal? Yes, but I like to make sure I have the proportion of the boxes/trays/display correct as that will influence what I place there.

Version 1. Jewelry grouped by style, tiles hanging in the back. Large dryad sculpture anchoring table. 
There are a few advantages of this mildly compulsive planning in my opinion. When I am setting up and may be stressed/late/distracted/tired.... I don't have to think. The decision are made. Thats really comfortable to me when there was SO much frantic preparation finishing work and packing for a Con like FaerieCon. So I arrive and I can settle into it. Im less stressed and more ready to enjoy the event when it begins. Its also faster. No try it/ change it/ rearrange issues. 
Thursday night - stage one complete. 
Once the show started Friday, I completely forgot to take pictures. Very happy Jessica snapped this one! My display worked well - and was actually a lot less crowded than other years. Things sold, and I restocked my Mythic Nature Tiles inventory for "Creative Procrastinations and Whimsical Necessities" shop in Shepherdstown WV! Now I need to head back to the studio and make. more. stuff.... 

Friday - all set up... 
We had a wonderful weekend, filled with amazing art, creativity, music, and costumes. The Good Faeries were good, and the Bad were oh so bad! Until next year.... 
A few faces from FaerieCon


  1. I go through a similar process. I set up in my garage and then take photos on my cell phone to remind me of how to set up when I get to the event. This weekend though, the table at the show was completely different than I originally thought I was using. Very stressful! I thought my display looked professional and it looked a lot like what you did. I didn't make what I usually do there. The lady next to me sat the entire time and had all of her bracelets on a flat table in boxes and did better than I did. Go figure!

    1. Ugh. I hate the flat table/boxes look. Its so manufactured and not arty.

  2. You made excellent use of your small display space. Your booth doesn't look cluttered and has just the right amount to draw people in. One day I may bump into you at a show, if I ever get brave enough to drive the Beltway so I can buy from you in person. Until then, thank goodness for online shopping.


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