
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Change is Coming

Dear AJE Readers,

For the last couple years we have posted a blog post nearly every single day. However, many of us are experiencing big changes, burn-out, health issues, etc and we collectively decided something needed to change.

In just a few short weeks, I will be back in school again, but this time I am taking 12 credit hours, which is technically full time, my daughter starts high school, my son will be starting his senior year and we still have university visits to do, and my husband has decided to do a masters program. I cannot continue to serve the community in this capacity AND maintain my sanity.

When I announced to the team that I could not continue writing, and my role as leader would need to be reduced, we had a very honest discussion about the future of the team, the blog, and where we see this going. While the tone of this sounds somewhat down, it is actually quite the opposite. In order to continue to provide you with the quality content you expect and deserve, we are implementing some incremental changes.

The first change going into effect immediately is a temporary change in the posting schedule to every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Giveaways, challenges, etc will be posted on the empty days. For example, Diana is hosting the component of the month challenge for August. Her post to introduce her component giveaway will be published tomorrow (Sunday Aug 2) because it's close to the beginning of the month, and not a Monday, Wednesday or Friday.

In addition, this provides extra opportunities for guest bloggers. In the book, Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon, he says "write the story you want to read." Is there a blog post you would like to read here on AJE? Write a good quality post, provide photos, email me, and we'll publish it here with your byline and links.

In the meantime, we are going to be working on some BIG changes to our format and location. I am not sure how long this will take to formulate the specifics and make it happen, but I am hopeful we can roll it out by the beginning of 2016. I am super excited about the possibilities! So while I am already exhausted by my new schedule before it even begins, I am also extremely fired up for the future.

Thanks for reading,

Jen Cameron


  1. Only recently I discovered your blog. I can imagine how time slurping (if that's English, but do you know what I mean?) blogging is.
    Know that the blog is very, VERY, inspiring. Thank you all.

  2. Such a wonderful place to check every day... however, change is inevitable and good. You will all have more time for your own projects whatever they may be. Best wishes... and happily looking forward to the new.

  3. I love AJE and appreciate all the work that goes into it. This change sounds needed, and I hope invigorating for everyone.

  4. Out with the old and in with the new. The only thing constant is change, so you all are growing and we'll grow, too. Thanks for the honesty, willingness to continue in new and creative ways that will work for all of you. We'll keep anticipating your next postings and good luck with all the wonderful things happening in your lives--savor and enjoy every one of them. Thanks and keep on keeping on!

  5. Such exciting changes in your life! And exciting changes on the blog! I love your posts and will keep tracking what you all write. Interested in seeing how this all works out.


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