
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Master the Mess Month!

Yes, believe it or not, some of us here are guilty of wallowing in one huge beady mess and we've decided it's time to do something about it. We've challenged ourselves (and each other) to have a spring clean and get it sorted and to make sure we do, we're sharing photos with you here in the hope of shaming ourselves into action! We have one month to get these studios ship-shape before we post new pictures of them all looking clean and sparkly like our beads.

Now as you'll see some of us are worse than others and some of us have excuses...but there is definitely a common theme here...

Diana - "Half the office, half the mess. Yes, that's my childhood Cabbage Patch doll on the desk. Even she is annoyed that my desk and chair are currently unusable. My first goal is to make it so I can actually work at this desk again. Sitting on the floor is getting old...and it hurts my back."

"The  other half of my messy office..."

Lindsay - 'My living Room...I mean Bead Room. There was floor less than a week ago. Apparently my recovery period 5lb weight limit only applies to putting things away."

Jennifer - "I don't even know where to start..."

Linda - 'This is supposedly my jewelry design table. But um, no space to design."

"My clay area has been invaded by encroaching bead minions."

Some team members tell us are not quite as messy as others...

Caroline - "This is tidy (unless you listen to my husband) You will note that you can see loads of table!"

Karen - "I'm not normally this messy. I blame it on shop update frenzy!"

Jenny - "Organized chaos. And still room to work."

And then of course there's me and I definitely fall into the tidy category....NOT!

I haven't made any jewellery for a while so my work table has become a bit of a dumping ground...or could that be that I've not made any jewellery because it's become a dumping ground...?

My clay bench is pretty messy to but to be fair I was actually working there when this was taken...

And as for this area the less said the better I think!

So please do come back in a months time and see what progress we've made...I suspect that in my case there will be more than one clean up before then! If you have any great tips for keeping unruly work spaces in order then let us know because we need all the help we can get.


  1. Great post Lesley :) Glad to see I'm not alone with my creative space!

  2. I love this post and seeing all your studios. Boy don't you all have lovely spaces to work. I smiled when I spotted the bun tin challenge, by Heather Powers on your desk! I couldn't join in as I didn't have enough beads, and yours is overflowing with lusciousness

  3. Mine is organized so I was too embarrassed to show it. Lolol

  4. Awesome. I am going through this right now! I just took some before pictures because on Monday I am starting a FREE online class with my friend, artist Kent Youngstrom, called Set Yo' Space. It will focus more on beautifying the space than organizing it but I need the beauty in order to create as well as the willpower to put it all away or at least where I can find it! Still time to register if anyone wants to join us (and it is not just for beady peeps, although several have jumped in, but rather anyone with a workspace they want to make more inviting). Here is a link to Kent's course (he is awesome and easy on the eyes!):
    Enjoy the day! Erin

  5. Oh lord, I think I've got you all beat!! Mine is a complete disaster area! Fun to see everybody's space!

  6. I only wish I HAD a studio to let get messy! I spend half year traveling in small RV(my studio is the two front seats and space between. Other half, I live in a cabin with no electricity. No light does NOT make for good color coordination.... so work out of the van then too!

    But I do remember what it was like to have studios space, and how GREAT it feels to have it cleaned up after it becomes unacceptable. Fresh creative energy!

  7. I'm happy I'm not the only one. My desk is just a huge mess... :-D

  8. It was so much fun to see everyone's workspace (and confessions!). I think you are all super-busy, super-talented artists with spaces that are well-filled with creative stuff, being used and loved!

  9. After reading this post, and comments below it, I can only say: I'm so glad I'm in a good company ;P Worst thing: I cleaned my workspace (nothing as fancy as studio, I'm afraid) not a moth ago... and all that chaos is slowly creeping back... the struggle is real ;)

  10. I look to this group to inspire me. Thanks a whole bunch for telling me you are going to clear your messes. Now you "inspired" me to take a really close look at my own mess. thanks a whole lot. I suppose I might get some of it cleaned up in a month, LOL.

  11. I am doing both our AJE master the mess challenge, as well as taking the webinar that Erin mentioned in her comments. My studio isn't going to know what hit it! But the trick will be to maintain the transformation!

  12. These photos of your work areas just further confirm those studies that found creative people work best in chaos. Because I've seen the wonderful components that come from these messy places. And now, I'm inspired to tackle my own creative mess. At least, I'll take a before picture and see what happens. ;)

  13. It's amazing how long it takes to clean up and how quickly it can get messy again. I had my studio cleaned up for a long time and was tidying after working and putting away new beads that came in. Then somehow I got behind. I'm just at the point where I can still save it, so I better get on it!

  14. Thanks for the post. I am so inspired not to be alone in the creative chaos. lmbo now I will take some present pictures and see what happens for the next month. Thank you Lesly.


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