
Friday, March 6, 2015

Rabbits And Bunnies And Hares - Oh My!

Last week, Jenny introduced our Component of the Month for March.  We're changing things up a bit this year by offering 4 themed challenges, among our other monthly challenges. The theme this month is March Hares, (rabbits or bunnies too).

Snow Bunny by Summer Wind Art
The challenge is to make something that the theme of hares or rabbits.. This can be an art bead, a component, or a finished piece of jewelry.  The reveal date will be March 31st.  If you would like to be included in the blog reveal at the end of the month, please email Jenny at jen.davies.reazor (at) Emails need to be received by March 29th  to be included.

White Rabbit by Joan Miller
Last week, Jenny shared rabbit and hare components that were designed by AJE team members. Today I'm going to help get your creative juices flowing by sharing some hare and rabbit themed art beads that are available from non-AJE members.  I'm  just going to let the pictures do the talking.  Links to the art beads are provided above each picture.

Porcelain Rabbit Pendant by PoodlesBreath

Moon Bunny Pendant by Green Girl Studio
Between rabbit and hare items that Jenny shared and the ones that I've shared here, you should have a large selection to inspire your designs.  So get hopping!  I can hardly wait to see the reveal!


We would love to hear what you have to say, please leave a comment.