
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Spring is in the air

One of my favourite things about designing, either components or jewellery is the constant source of inspiration from the seasons. We’ve had it all here in the UK for the last couple of weeks, rain, snow, hail, frost, winds and blazing sunshine. But there is a definite change in the air and Spring is starting to show it’s here as the bulbs start to push up through the frozen soil.

I love designing for Spring, it’s the start of a new year, the beginning of new life and the early mornings are starting to get lighter. 

This is my latest creation, hand carved earthenware beads with hand drawn images. I like the mixture of colour with the white carving adding in the detail. 

Like me, other component makers are busy making up spring designs, and I've gathered up some of my favourites to share with you today, all perfect to create some fresh new designs for the change in seasons.

Already there are more birds in the garden, soon they will be busy nest building and raising chicks.

And after the dark of Winter, Spring is a great time for using softer petal colours.

The green shoots are the promise of the first flowers of Spring.

And everywhere the fresh greens of new leaves will brighten up the garden again.

It's a wonderful time of year, full of new life and perfect to inspire some fresh and pretty designs.


  1. Ah... just the thought of spring makes the cold easier to deal with - a little anyway. Thanks for this beautiful selection :)

  2. Hi Caroline, I enjoyed the signs of spring that you showed even if it will be a long time before spring comes to my area.

  3. What a beautiful collection of spring loveliness! I am humbled that you would include my wee little bird and birdhouse ♥

  4. Oh, I sure needed a breath of spring today with the cold and snow outside. I fell in love with those tiny birds and birdhouses and those green leaves and podthings!


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