
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Flower Tendril Earring Tutorial

Spring is definitely here in the UK and flowers are popping up all over so today I thought I'd share a tutorial for these quick and easy flower tendril earrings.

To make these you will need two 8" lengths of 19/20 gauge wire, 2 flower beads or similar flat disc beads with reasonably small holes and 1 pair of ear wires. You'll also need a hand torch, wire cutters,  round and needle nose pliers, looping pliers or other round tool and a file.

Please excuse the state of my hands in these photos - much neglected at the best of times and not helped by my thumb having a mishap with a door hinge at the weekend!

Step 1
Using the hand torch ball up the ends of the wires so that they won't pass through the holes in the beads. You can find a tutorial for doing this here. This should also soften the wire and make it easier to bend. I've left the fire stain on the wire but you can clean them up at this point if you want to.

Step 2
Pass a wire through the a bead from front to back and with your thumb on the ball at the front bend the wire up and press gently against the back of the bead.

Step 3
Where the wire comes out of the back of the bead bend it into a loop using looping pliers, mandrel  or a round object like a sharpie marker.

The loop should be visible above the top of the bead.

Step 4
Take the end of the wire and pass it between the bead and the loop over the wire where it comes through the bead then gently pull it down to form a vertical tail. Keeping your thumb pressed at the point where the 2 wires meet while wrapping will help ensure the wire is snug.

Step 5
Trim the excess wire to 2 1/2 to 3 inches from the bead centre, file the end flat and remove any burrs.

Step 6
Using round nosed pliers make a turned loop at the bottom of the wire and then continue winding the wire up the pliers towards the jaws until you get to the bottom of the bead.

Step 7
Remove the round nose pliers and you will have a graduated coil. Use the needle nose pliers to bend the coil down so it sits vertically beneath the bead and loop.

Step 8
Insert the needle nose pliers into the loop at the bottom of the coil and grip the wire. Holding the bead and loop between forefinger and thumb to avoid stressing the bead, pull firmly but gently on the wire. The coil may open up nearest the bead at first and which point it may help to hold the wire there while pulling further on the lower end. Close up the loops at the bottom of the tendrils and file/polish out any tool marks.

Step 9
Repeat steps 1 to 8 to make the second earring and then use your pliers to gently adjust the coils to roughly match if necessary.

Step 10
Add your ear wires and treat with any desired patina and there you have your finished earrings!

All the beads used in the earrings shown here are from Mermaid Glass.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial and feel inspired to try it yourself.


The Gossiping Goddess 


  1. Very the design...may have a go! This weekend hopefully x

  2. Love this design! And those tendrils are fun - I've used something similar for the ends of fibula pins, but never looked at them as tendrils. I'll have to go dig out my flower beads!

  3. You are such an inspiration Lesley! These are just beautiful!

  4. I love seeing techniques like this. So simple and beautiful!!! I want to go make a bunch now! So sorry about your thumb. Woman - you need to be careful (or dress in rubber more often - lol) <3

  5. These are gorgeous Lesley! Thanks for sharing—I'm really thinking I'll have to make a pair for myself now. :-)

  6. Very sweet organic touch to soften the glass and metal components, Lesley :)

  7. I really like it. So delicate and simple. Thank you Lesley for sharing it. Love it! :)

  8. Gorgeous! Lesley I do love these earrings. :) xx

  9. Lovely tutorial. Sorry about your thumb. That looks like it hurt!! :-)

  10. Thank you very much! I bought some flat flower beads ages ago because they said "buy me, buy me" and I have been racking my brains about how to show them off properly. Excellent tutorial!

  11. Wow AJE & ABS in the same day impressive.


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