
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Mixed Media Explorations

I have long wanted to blend my painting skills with my newer dimensional work in ceramics and metal. I have been toying with layering and blending of glazes, underglazes, and wax patinas, but have never been fully satisfied with this. Last week at ArtBLISS, I encountered fantastic art forms that will enable to me to create the composite media I have been seeking.

Here is some early gilded work I was playing with.

At ArtBliss I was introduced to the world of polymer. But what really got me jazzed was how well it took paint media. I'm SO excited about this. 

Here's what I made in class: 

Almost as soon as I got home I ordered some new painting and drawing supplies - the pencils I got before ArtBliss (it had been a while so this was long overdue - a lot of my pastels are sadly depleted and most of my pencils worn to nubs!).

So, what's next? I have been working on a series inspired by mandala-like motifs and sources of nature for these, like fossils, tree rings, urchins. I've also been inspired by the natural surroundings I currently live in. Trees and spiky plants like pine needles and branches.

Here's some of the ceramic pieces I made:

I recently created a set of mix-metal focals based on these sources of inspiration:

Other sources of inspiration have been eastern symbols and mandalas, like the one on the cover of one of Chogyam Trungpa's books (from my buddhist days). 

So, currently I'm working on a new series of mixed metal and polymer. This sketch is a concept for copper / polymer / bronze. The middle layer will be painted polymer, topped by a bronze piece with a floral cut out. The painted polymer will show through the cut-out and around the edges of the bronze. The back plate will be hammered copper. 

I'm really stoked by this. I have other ideas to include hand-made paper and other materials. Just gotta find time! Have you ever had so ideas you want to try but not enough time? What are some of your sources of inspiration? How do you see them playing out in the media you work in?


  1. Stunning work Karen - you have such individual style and you already know I love your work - one can't help but be inspired. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. I am especially loving your mixed metal pieces! Can't WAIT to see that combined with your new polymer ideas. As if you weren't fabulous enough already...

  3. Love the colors you are getting on your polymer. Did you use oil crayons? I had not heard of them before your blog from ArtBliss, and am curious.

    1. JuLee we used pastels and water-soluable crayons. You can use acrylic paint as an alternative. Its SO much fun painting polymer!

  4. This is a great and very inspiring post.
    I cannot meet you point for point, as I am not a bead maker, but I love to paint, and am getting ready to illustrate my next book. Additionally, I love polymer clay! However, when I make jewelry I use other people's beads!
    I think YOU are doing some seriously brilliant work, color wise and creativity wise!
    Best Wishes,

    jean yates

    1. Thank you Jean - How cool about your illustration project! I love painting too. :)

  5. Gorgeous! I am excited to see what comes out of your new found technique.

  6. I love them all!!! I have been inspired by all I've seen coming out of ArtBliss even though I didn't attend. And YES I have way too many ideas and not near enough time to do anything about them. Most of them will probably remain an idea in the back of my mind.

  7. I am completely stoked by your latest inspiration! They are all so awesome!

  8. Wow! Karen I am impressed. Your mixed metal focals are fabulous and the addition of polymer and color only enhances them. I look forward to your post about them. Doesn't everyone have more ideas than time? LOL

  9. Hi! I found you through Pinterest. I've been working with polymer clay for a few months now and I can't get enough. I'm always looking for new ideas and ways to use it. I'm going to have to try this painting thing, I sure love what you did with the leaf one. I joined your blog through Google, feel free to visit mine! Thank you!


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