
Monday, September 2, 2013

Exploring Bead Embroidery

A few years ago I dabbled in bead embroidery...for about 5 seconds.  I think I started two projects but never completed either of them.  A few weeks prior to Bead Fest, the bead embroidery bug bit me again.  This time I see in a new light, as a way to embellish my own ceramic work.

If you are interested in beginning bead embroidery, I highly recommend Beading with Cabochons by Jamie Cloud Eakin.
Also check out Beadaholique's website for lots of wonderful video tutorials.  I keep their website open and this book next to me while I work.

I've made about three pieces so far, two of which I've finished.  The first became a gift for my mother-in-law, the second, I messed up the edge and the third I completed on Saturday evening...
I started by gluing one of my own stoneware cabochons to some Lacey's Stiff Stuff (available here).  Once the glue dried, I started adding my rows using a simple backstitch.  I do this while watching tv because it's pretty mindless and relaxing.
After I completed the large cabochon, I realized I wanted to push myself a bit more.  I embroidered a small stoneware cabochon and used the direct attachment method to connect it to the larger piece.  I then added a ladder-stitch bail (I used two needles-go me!) and had a finished piece!
There are some tension issues here and there but I know that I'll get better as I make more pieces.  Bead embroidery is addictive and I've already started on my next project!

Happy Beading!

Diana P.
Suburban Girl Studio LLC


  1. well done Diana! I have her book (Dimensional Bead Embroidery) and it is fantastic. Highly recommend her books!

    1. I have that one as well! I want to try some fringe on a piece next. I have so many ideas and not enough seed beads!

  2. Great work Diana! I have loads of seed beads...will trade for a Crunchie!


  3. I ordered her book and can't wait to start on my own glass cabs! I better hurry since I'm doing Sally's challenge!

  4. You are going to have so much fun!

  5. Wonderful work Diana, glad you got the "bug"! For me, it is the best beading method to really highlight, honor and enhance your ceramic work by creating a great frame. Love what you did! Congrats and thanks for the comments about the book, I love helping to create bead embroidery addicts!

    1. Your books have been soooooo helpful! So thank YOU for writing them!

  6. I love bead embroidery! Your work is really pretty, really nice use of colors :)

  7. Beautiful work! I am working of 2 pieces right bow.

    1. Thank you! I'm working on the matching earrings right now!

  8. I love what you're doing, it's gorgeous. But I can tell you I have zero desire to try it....LOL! I am not cut out for using seed beads.

  9. Kudos Diana for trying again. Good job on your necklace. I love bead embroidery. I agree that Jamie's book is the best one I have found. She also wrote "Dimensional Bead Embroidery." I have recommended this book to everyone who mentions bead embroidery. She breaks it down into manageable steps and gives several choices for each step. She doesn't just show you a project to copy she teaches you how to design. There are others who have a bigger name for their bead embroidery but Jamie's books far exceed any other bead embroidery book I own. They are my go to reference.

  10. These are gorgeous, Diana! I wish I'd known you needed seed beads, I would have brought a bunch to Bead Fest, I have way more than I will ever need.

  11. You are doing amazing! I love how you are using your own gorgeous beads in embroidery!


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