
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

BeadFest Hangover and Eye Candy!!!!

Sue, Linda, Karen, Jennifer, Jenny and Diana
I know we have been talking about Beadfest a lot but let me assure you it is totally worth it!  Not only are you surrounded by beads of all shapes, sizes, and mediums, it is also pretty much a love and fun fest!  Meeting friends from FB or Blogging for the first time, Seeing friends from the previous year, all the amazing designers you have admired, basically it is paradise!  I can not tell you what it feels like when you are there because both times I have gone I have been in a complete and total bead haze.  Which I thought would not happen this year but yeah it is totally unavoidable!
I have to tell you I was in such a haze that I did not take any pictures.  I feel very bad about that because these amazing women were there and I am so proud to be a part of the team! 

I do however have some eye candy for you!!!!

Met Amy Blevins of Bead and Glass Boutique to finally get my destash stuffs!

Gorgeousness I have been fondling!!!!

Jenny Davies Reazor yummies

Mary of White Clover Kiln I didn't get any of hers last year so this was my first stop!

Karen Totten components that just speak volumes to me!

Diana's gorgeous medallion

Jan of Molten Mayhems newest bubbles and an oh so special fishy!

Staci Klinger Smith's amazing metal clay!!!

Jennifer's gorgeous lampwork!!  I had to have another Nightmare Insomnia bead and I won the tube bead at the swap oh and I practically begged for the red focal!!!!

My swap goodies from Heather Marston

My goodies from Beyond Beadery!
So there you have it.  Did you get any treasures?  Feel free to share them on our Facebook page!



  1. It was so wonderful to meet you, Kristen! You've got some great treasurea in your new stash!

  2. I do indeed and I can not wait to see how you enamel those beads I gave you! I am so lucky to have finally met you in person!!!

  3. Oh,...I'm drooling over your excellent beady-finds - how awesome!

  4. Gorgeous stash! and what fun we had! I had no idea just how much fun it was going to be! so glad I went

  5. Wow Kristen, you came home with quite a haul! Have fun creating beautiful pieces with your new stash.

  6. So many beautiful pieces all in one place. I can imagine it would be completely overwhelming, thus inducing a bead haze. You found some treasures for sure. I hope to join you next year. I love the group photo!

  7. While I'm a little jealous over all the BeadFest stash posts I'm seeing, I don't really and truly mind. I like seeing how different each of the bead picks are for each person, giving me a glimpse into their beading personality. Your selections are great!


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