
Monday, July 22, 2013

The Glass Addictions Science Lab

One part mystical (I literally dreamed about trying this technique one night and had to run to the studio the next day to see if it would work).

One part science (have to use the correct glass type or the beads will fall apart. It is NOT the type I usually use. )

One part math (some problem solving had to happen).

One part freaking out (Bead Fest is in a MONTH!!! Why am I experimenting when I have a table to fill?!?!)

Want to see what I've been working on? Warning...all photos have been quick iPhone pics...which vary  in quality and clarity. All beads are still attached to the mandrels in the photos, which are not the most flattering.

This is the very first bead I tried. I liked the idea, but I'm not real fond of this bead.

Experimental Lampwork bead Glass Addictions by Jen Cameron

Here is an "in progress" photo using the same technique that I shared on my Glass Addictions Facebook page

Still working on this technique. Not sure if anyone else has ever tried it I may be reinventing the wheel. #lampwork #nofilter

In this group shot, the one I show above that looks kind of orange-y is actually the green one in the center:

Quick pic of this morning's kiln harvest. #lampwork #glassaddictions

Again, here is an "in progress" shot that I take while sitting at the torch before putting it in the kiln. Front side:

Front side #lampwork #glassaddictions 

 Back side:

  Back side. I almost like this side better #lampwork #glassaddictions

Here I am goofing around trying to take a self portrait while I work in the official Glass Addictions science lab. Yes, I always look grumpy when I torch even though I love what I do...


What do you think of my experiments? I would love some feedback!

-Jen Cameron


  1. They're great, really fun looking! Reminds me of Frankenstein's Monster in a GOOD way.

  2. These are so AWESOME!!!! I actually love that first one that you said you weren't too fond of.

  3. They are very unusual and very cool!!

  4. There is a patchwork quality to them, like remnants of old fabric woven together to make something cozy and comforting. I like the little black dots that appear to be floating above the last bead. Very intriguing to see the progress! Enjoy the day, Miss Jennifer! Erin

  5. You know I love these beads you are playing with! I really love your first one! I can not wait to see these at Beadfest!


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