
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Preciosa Beads for Blog Post

It is here!!!! I can not tell you how excited I am. I nearly tackled the DHL delivery man! I told him I was so excited to get this package! I think he thought I was nuts. Well we all know I am! But it's here!!!!

Preciosa Ornela ( if you haven't heard of them before ) is one of the world’s most significant manufacturers of a wide range of types of Czech glass seed beads and beads. So if you have used or have heard of czech seed beads, firepolished beads and pressed glass beads they probably came from here. Well now to why I am so excited. Back in November I signed up for their "Beads for Blog Post" program. The criteria was that you have a blog and are willing to share their company and the products they offer. Not a problem I have to tell you I love their products. I have use the seed beads, firepolished rounds and my latest obsession TWINS!!! I love those little beauties and I want them in every color available! When I signed up I saw that there were hundreds and this is open worldwide so the chances of them choosing me I felt were slim. Even with that I was still rewarded by a little package of twins a few weeks later and then again a sweet little package at Christmas. So hey I thought I won't get chosen but they were still so generous. As you tell from reading this I was chosen and I actually had to read the email 3 times before it really sunk in. I will tell you from last Monday to this Monday I was on pins and needles as to what they would be sending.

Here is what I received!
A note pad, awesome pen and pencil set and a cute button!

250 grams of assorted glass in brown tones!

2 pks of 11/0 czech seeds, 1 pack of 6/0 and look at those awesome little peanut beads!!!

I am totally in love!!! 11 pkgs of TWIN!!! Look at all that ORANGE!!!

A gorgeous grey bead mat and those are little tutorials!

Thank you so much Preciosa Ornela! It is an honor to have been chosen but much more of an honor to use your products!!!

Hugs and Blessings


  1. Lucky girl Kristen and I'm not at all surprised you were chosen with the beautiful work you do. Can't wait to see some creations from this treasure chest...

  2. Congratulations! I look forward to seeing what you create!

  3. I cannot wait to see what magic you weave! Congrats!

  4. OMG! Really a wonderful treasure ... you are a very lucky girl ^_^

  5. ooh, yummy! Love that brown mix! Can't wait to see how you use it!

  6. Congrats. It will be fun to see what you create. I love the peanut beads!

  7. Oh thank you all so much!! I am s excited to play and share! I just have to decide where to start!!!


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