
Friday, December 14, 2012

Charm, and charm again...

Hello again!
Last time I was here I wrote about charm holders, showed you a few I liked... and I will admit I have been thinking about them since. So I wanted to share with you my endeavors. These are simple wire constructions, and some of you may consider this elemental. But I am one to use what ever technique suits the piece - however complex or simple...

I had promised charm holders to 2 friends with birthdays in October. (Check your calendar, you read that right. I am 2 months late on this.) So I sat down to work... It took some fiddling until I got the shape I wanted. This is from a 6" piece of wire.

1. & 2. Create crossed circle app. size.
3. - 5. Using large end of rd pliers, bend ends back in "U". Curl ends up in opp. direction with small tip of pliers.
6. Finished shape.  7. Hammer time!

Bali silver bud, tiger eye, quartz, "Strength" copper link, carnelian, turquoise. 
Garnet, Green Girl studios link, tiger eye, quartz crystal, jade, garnet charm. 

I had another idea - for my Mother in law, and my Grandmother in law... a heart shaped pendant with the grandchildren's and great-grandchildren's birthstones. They are MAD for birthstones...

Bottom pix: First is 18 ga with 22 ga wrapped bail. Center is 12 ga with wrapped bail. Third is 20 ga with loop/bail within the wire shape itself.

I think these have potential. I do plan to use more 22 ga wire and wrap the centers closed for security - on the smaller gauge pieces at least. the 12 gauge wire isn't going anywhere! The birthstone crystals are on order, and then these gifts are complete! ( The third heart is for my Aunt in law. Can't leave anyone out!) Copper chain to complete the necklace and then... its a wrap! Or time to wrap, at least!

One more. This one is mine! 
Have a great weekend everyone. I have my last Kids ceramics class to teach on Saturday, then I get to head to Middle Earth on Sunday. The Hobbit. In Imax. Sweet.... After that - assorted holiday tasks! Enjoy!



  1. I love these Jenny especially that last one...I really like the layers of interest and depth to these pieces and I think I might just be having a go myself at some point soon, Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks Lesley! I like putting unexpected things together, and I know the wire work is simple, but I was happy with the results.

  3. I love this charm holder idea! There's so many ways you could design them. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad you like! They truly are a blank canvas!

  4. I really like the wine glass charm, that design is pretty. You make this look so easy, but I am all thumbs with wire. For the heart charm, will you wire the birthstones on it, or dangles?

    1. Shirley - the wine glass style will be pendants - chain linked to the top two loops. The hearts will have dangles from the point of the heart. Mostly birthstone crystals, but one will have silver letter charms as well.

      I made one or two prototypes not pictured here! Just practice with copper - its affordable. And measure the length that you start with. You can then subtract any extra you cut off, and have a working estimate for repeating the piece!

  5. Replies
    1. Sort of a tut. Happy if people get something useable out of it!

  6. Excellent post, Jenny! These are so cool! Thank you!

  7. Love these! Thanks so much for sharing Jenny!

  8. Im just reading this now but I want to thank u for sharing - I love this idea! I will have to make one for my daughter!

  9. I tried the loop design and it looked great, but I used 16 gauge wire and was too light. It bent out of shape very easily. Would a heavier gauge help?


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