
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Beautiful Beaded Ropes

Not only am I lucky to be a part of this awesome group of artists I am also lucky to have been chosen as a reviewer for Lark Books.  I have to tell you I was extremely excited about this because some amazing artists have come out with awesome books this year and this is the one I want to share with you all today!
Jill Wiseman of Tapestry Beads had this book published this year.  I have been following Jill for quite some time and was really looking forward to it's release.  Well it just so happened that it was released just before BeadFest Philly this year and as you all know I was so fortunate to have attended and met Jill in person.  (Yes I did bow you can ask her...LOL)
You can purchase an autographed copy here
I love working with art beads so much but the way I like to enhance them is with beading a rope.  I love the way a beaded rope feels and the many opportunities you have to incorporate art beads.  Jill's book has been a gift.  Her instructions are clear and in many cases it just takes this stitches you already know and shows how to embellish them or use them in a whole new way.  Any artist that sends me on my own creative journey is a treasure!  The photos in the book are not only art in themselves they inspire new ways to look at color.  She even has a gallery in the back featuring so many artists I admire.  The part about Jill's book that really gives me that boost is that a beginner can pick this up start with some basic stitches and really see that they indeed can play with these little seeds.
Here are just three of the ropes I used from her book so far.
I hope you really consider this for a gift to someone who may want to break into seed beading or someone who has been in need of a creative jolt!


  1. I love the look of beaded ropes too. I especially like the last one you showed. So pretty!!

  2. My very first efforts with seed beads was beaded ropes - I love them. This book looks wonderful!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Ugh. "efforts/were" or "effort/was" - take your pick. Sorry!!

  3. I absolutely love your sea horse necklace! This book has been on my wish list for a long time, and I just ordered it!


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