
Monday, December 17, 2012

52 Earrings

All this year I've been participating in a Flickr group challenging artists to create 52 earrings during the year, technically 1 per week but I certainly didn't post mine weekly. I just posted pair number 52, I wanted to finish a little early because there's so much going on the last few weeks of the year.

Here at AJE we're working on creating a similar challenge
 where you can link your creations to a special pinterest group
 and to our blog bi-weekly.
Watch for details coming up in the new year.



  1. I think a challenge group sounds lovely.

    Your Earrings are gorgeous and I just love your designs!! Very talented

    Happy Crafting

  2. Gorgeous earrings Kristi - maybe I should give that a try. It will push us to make something each week and we need a swift kick in the rear this coming year to get pieces done :)
    Have a great week and thanks for sharing your earrings - FABULOUS!

  3. I definately need something like this to give me a reason to sit at the bead table and make something. This past year I used various challenges to motivate me, but I need mor than that. I'm looking forward to seeing the details.

  4. Your earrings are so gorgeous, Kristi! I'm really looking forward to this earring challenge next year!

  5. Gah! The Fatima hand coppers! Why havent I seen them before? I love! (And I am thinking in '13 one of my recurring posts will be Folklore Friday!) I dont make earrings all that much - but when I do- I could make them all day. This year I had 4 styles that I made, and took to shows. Helped streamline the display... But I digress. Looking forward to the incentive of posting in our new AJE group!

  6. I agree with Alice. I love challenges to motive me to think outside of my normal patterns. I look forward to it. Your earrings are gorgeous!

  7. I love challenges too! This is going to be a fun year!!!!

  8. Copper color looks great in jewellery. The designs of those earrings are very pretty. I like all the pairs but the first pair I like the most.


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