
Friday, November 23, 2012

Welcome to our Holiday Open House

Good morning! Rather than braving the crazy on the streets and in the shops, we're staying in and inviting you to our virtual holiday open house.

Here's how it's going to work...and this may get a bit crazy at times. But what's a party without a little bit of crazy?

-Starting right now, most of the AJE team has discounts just for our AJE readers. The code is: AJEholiday and the full details will be at the bottom of this post.

-There will be a new post about every 30 minutes until 10pm est. That's 29 posts in a single day.

-Why should you keep coming back? Well...because not only will there be discounts, but you will have the chance to win door prizes, get new recipes, and learn some folklore.

-posts will be short and sweet. Who wants to spend an entire party reading? We want you drinking and making merry too! Maybe do some beading between posts...

To thank all of you, our awesome AJE readers, we are offering this discount code. Feel free to share AJE with your friends if you think they would enjoy reading AJE and also enjoy the discount.

Discount code: AJEholiday 

You can use the code at the following shops:

Jen Cameron: Jen Cameron Designs for 20% off today through Cyber Monday (Nov 26)

Francesca Watson: Francesca Watson Designs 15% off today through Cyber Monday

Diana Ptaszynski: Suburban Girl Studio 20% off today through Cyber Monday

Linda Landig: Linda Landig Jewelry  20% off today through Cyber Monday

Lesley Watt: THEAtoo and THEA jewellery  20% off today through Cyber Monday

Jenny Davies-Reazor: Jenny Davies-Reazor 20% off today through Cyber Monday

Joanne Tinley: Daisychain Extra and Daisychain Jewellery  20% off today through Cyber Monday

Melissa Meman: Melismatic 20% off today through Cyber Monday

Rebekah Payne: Tree Wings Studio 15% off today through Cyber Monday

Susan Kennedy: Sue Beads  20% off today through Cyber Monday

Kristi Bowman: KristiBowmanDesign 15% off through Cyber Monday

Karen Totten: Starry Road Studio 20% off through Cyber Monday

Grab that cup of coffee or tea and have fun browsing the shops. But make sure you come back in 30 minutes.

-Jen Cameron
Glass Addictions


We would love to hear what you have to say, please leave a comment.