
Friday, November 23, 2012

Its all about the sequins.

Sequins transport me back to my Grandma's house. My maternal grandmother made many of her Christmas decorations. She had lived through the Depression, and was a consumate saver... but also a very crafty woman. My sisters and I all have a love of embroidery - passed down to us from our mother, from her mother. My older sister has chosen embroidery as her primary medium and has taken it to a whole new level. ( You can see her work here.) I think Grandma would be tickled.

Grandma loved sequins, but didnt really feel the need to follow any set directions. Her colors and patterns are exuberant to say the least. Between Grandma and Mom, my siblings and I all had handmade felt stockings to hang on the mantle, beaded and bedazzled and sequined.  I  have a few of her felt embroidered ornaments on my tree every year.
My Mom - also an extremely creative one! She loves embroidery and can sew a mean streak. As a kid this was our Christmas tree topper. He was a puppet, and carries jingle bells - very merry!
After my siblings and I grew up and set out to households of  our own, Mom made a stunning announcement. She was giving up the iconic Snowman in favor of a commercially purchased angel?!!??! Well - I am happy to say, the Snowman now tops MY tree every year!

The love of sequins has been passed down to me as well. Mom gave me this kit she was no longer interested in... and it was a labor of love, I must say. But it is now one of my favorite holiday decorations!
And I sequined and embroideed a stocking for my nephew before he was even here! So the tradition continues...

All these posts sure are stirring up the holiday excitement for me. Its Thanksgiving Day, glorious smells are wafting up from my sister's kitchen, my nephew is racing cars downstairs... So many things to be thanksful for.... I hope your holday is festive!

Thank you for stopping by our Holiday Open House! And please feel free to browse our shops. As the season starts today with Black Friday we have many sales and tempting treasures... You can find all the details at our Holiday Open House page.


  1. You can never have too many sequins!

  2. I love anything that shines and shimmers and I remember playing in my Grandmothers button box as a child and making pieces of jewellery that I thought were beautiful and as a child the earrings, bracelets and necklaces I created from this tine a shiny buttons kept me happy for hours. These lovely holiday decorations with the seqyuins are beautiful

  3. What an awesome tradition! When Dave and I met, and had our first Christmas together, we both got out our stockings and had a great giggle. Both of us - born just a year apart - had the same stocking - his was red, mine green - with the snowman and his broom (1970's style). Grandmom made his, mom made mine. So when we had Chloe I made her one (it's blue and white - a snowman) and Riley has his too (red with very active snowmen - 3 of them - which is very fitting for him!). I love sequence and how wonderful it feels to sit and embroider... Thanks for sharing Jenny!

  4. Jennifer,

    Yay for sequin love!!! Those sequined ornaments are adorable -- I really love the skate.

    I'm going to link to this post the next time I do one of my Sequinspiration posts. It was a wonderful thing to wake up to this morning!

    -- Sarah, a fellow sequin enthusiast

  5. I wish I had a picture of my nephew's stocking! I did a kit, a snowman, as we didnt know who he would be... and I am working on one for decoration - a Snow Queen all in blues and silvers... Glad to know I am not alone.


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